What are you most reflecting on as 2017 comes to an end? It is personal fulfillment, professional growth, maybe a new friendship? At HER, we are reflecting on all of these things and more.

As a community at HER, we all relish in the joys that happen for each other. This year we saw more of the peers (young women) get jobs, return to school for their high school diploma or start college, make the Dean’s List in their first year of college and secure stable housing. Most important to us, the building of healthy networks and friendships with their peers at HER.

Here are a few more organizational highlights that you helped us achieve this year:

  • 140 vulnerable young women served – each with individual circumstances – to help them overcome barriers that allow them to get on their feet.
  • 12 weeks of workshops in the DC Jail, specifically focused on supporting women to overcome trauma related to physical and sexual violence.
  • 18 workshops on topics such as getting and keeping a job, filing taxes, yoga and mindfulness, and art.
  • 2 Street Outreach teams started. These teams are out overnight supporting vulnerable and homeless youth to get off the street and into safe housing.
  • 1 HER Place, a transitional home for 5 young women to live for up to 18 months as they make plans for their future. During their time at HER Place, we support the peers to completing or returning to school, obtaining gainful employment, saving money, and preparing to transition to stable housing.

We know that without your care, support, and ongoing encouragement there is no way we would have made such strides this year. And because of the encouragement and generosity you so freely offer to HER, we are able to extend the same care to the peers – supporting them in changing the trajectory of their lives.

I hope that during your time of reflection, you take pride in knowing that you are supporting vulnerable young women to reaching their ideal success. And as the year closes out, I ask that you consider making an end of year (tax deductible) contribution that will allow us to continue our momentum into 2018.

On behalf of the HER Resiliency Center community, thank you. And thank you for being a part of our growing community. I look forward to keeping you updated in 2018 on our progress as we, together, are able to make change happen in our community, one young woman at a time.